Paris Saint-Germain boss Unai Emery fires warning to Real Madrid ahead of Champions League clash after get over Toulouse .
Paris Saint-Germain boss Unai Emery fires warning to Real Madrid ahead of Champions League clash after get over Toulouse |
uNaI mineral BeLiEvEs pArIs sT GeRmAiN'S 1-0 WiN At city WaS IdEaL PrEpArAtIoN FoR NeXt wEeK'S ChAmPiOnS LeAgUe cLaSh wItH ReAl Spanish capital.
EmErY'S facet rAcKeD Up tHeIr fourteenth WiN In tHeIr lAsT fifteen gAmEs all told CoMpEtItIoNs to revive ThEiR one5-pOiNt lEaD At the highest oF LiGuE 1 because of NeYmAr's sOlItArY SeCoNd-hAlF StRiKe.
ThE CaPiTaL ClUb dOmInAtEd tHe mAtCh, hit ThE WoOdWoRk thrice, AnD mineral Is trying fOrWaRd tO WeDnEsDaY'S LaSt-16 KnOcKoUt tIe aGaInSt eUrOpEaN ChAmPiOnS ReAl packed with cOnFiDeNcE.
"i'm terribly HaPpY and that i assume ThE TeAm sHoWeD a really smart angle. It's smart FoR OuR CoNfIdEnCe," tHe pSg cOaCh tOlD HiS ClUb's web site.